James Yuill Family Information

This post is about the James Yuill family.  I have attached to this post at the end, a link to a PDF that provides names of James Yuill children birth/date dates and their spouses name.  Some of the information is estimation and is awaiting sources for confirmation but majority is from sourced information.

James Yuill was  the head of a large family and was from the Glasgow area of Scotland. He married Barbara Colton in 1793. It is believed he was a weaver.  He and Barbara had 10 children all born in Scotland or England.  They emigrated to Canada is 1821 with 8 of their children. Mary Yuill was mostly likely married already when they left and John Yuill I am not sure why he stayed behind as he was still only a young one.

They came to come Canada on the either the Charles Canning or Commerce.  They ended up in Ramsay Township near Ottawa area in Ontario Canada.  The township no longer exists.

James Yuill ended up being a farmer and it is believed he died in the 1850s in the town of Almonte.

Here is the link to the PDF with basic information on James Yuill and his family  James_Yuill_Family

As always, thanks for reading


3 responses »

  1. Pingback: Update on James Yuill Senior | Muddling though your family's History

  2. Researcher_anon

    I believe that John Yuill (son of James) did emigrate to Canada – see: http://trees.ancestry.ca/tree/71532448/person/46244056888


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